Are you looking for a Job in the Middle East?

MD Talent Search has contracts with all the Premier Health Care employers in the Middle East and are in a very strong position to represent you to the top hospitals in the region.
Considering opportunities abroad can be a very daunting task but at MD Talent Search we offer personal service and we assume responsibility from beginning to end providing our candidates with a hassle free and result orientated solution. All CVs are professionally screened by the MD Talent Search team to ensure your credentials are presented to the best possible advantage and achieve a job offer and contract to match everyone’s needs. We take the time with every candidate in an effort to guarantee you the edge to secure the placement with an employer of choice!
Our team is headed by experts who have the required expertise and knowledge of the Middle East to ensure a beneficial outcome for all parties concerned. Our established history of over 15 years of high quality working relationships within the region has provided a platform for new and dynamic service levels.
MD Talent search deploys a unique blend of technology and hands-on service to deliver the best person for any health care professional or management role – behind our on-line presence is a full-service, personalized recruitment operation.
You are extremely important to MD Talent Search and we further hope to become your career partner for the future.
Saudi Arabia
Dubai Skyline

Company Overview

MD Talent Search is an internationally recognized recruitment company specializing in the placement of healthcare professionals to the Middle East. Our service covers accessing of candidates through our network offices in the USA, UK, New Zealand, South Africa, Malaysia.
Our commitment to being a truly ethical partner forms an integral part of how we conduct business with Candidates, Clients, staff and shareholders alike. We consider our core business principles to be professionalism and integrity.
Our focus is on an integrated approach to staffing and succession planning, finding solutions that ensure both candidate and client benefit from the recruitment process. A dynamic team of seasoned professionals, where fresh thinking, client knowledge and in-house quality control, ensures a company that is as passionate about client success as service delivery.
Feel free to browse our current list of job openings in the Middle East.

Riyadh Saudi Arabia


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